Overcoming Dental Anxiety

We all know that it is inevitable to feel anxious when we are going in for a dental procedure. This may be due to the uncertainly of what will happen during the visit or if there will be any discomfort. However, there are ways to minimize the anxiety and make your experience better. One way would be talking with your dentist about how you feel and asking them questions before-hand so they can answer any concerns you have ahead of time. Another option would be bringing someone along with you who has gone through this process with their own dentist beforehand and knows what to expect from their experience. There is also a lot of information on the internet that could help ease some worry such as looking up videos or reading articles on oral hygiene which could also generate some conversation if you are going in alone.

The other option is to take a prescription medication that can help with anxiety. Medications such as Xanax and Valium are available, but would require talking with your physician about what’s best for you before taking any medications. If the fear of going to the dentist has become so bad that it interferes with normal daily activities or work then looking into therapy could be worth exploring.

Talking to your dentist ahead of time will ease some worries because they can answer questions and provide information on how their process works in person instead of just over email if need be. This way there won`t be anything unexpected during the visit which may trigger more anxiety than necessary due to uncertainty leading up until now

Bringing someone with you who has gone through the procedure before and knows what to expect from their experience is a good option, especially if it will be your first time at this particular dentist.

There are many informative videos on YouTube which could help someone feel better about going into the process with more knowledge beforehand – just make sure that they show different types of procedures so that one video doesn`t cause anxiety in case yours isn`t represented or goes differently than how it`s shown in general! There are also articles written by dentists on oral hygiene online as well as other sources like Buzzfeed where people share their personal stories about dental care which usually provides some relief because we can relate to theirs when ours may not have been told yet.

Sedation dentistry can be an option to get dental work done while unconscious, in some cases, just like surgery. It`s a process that is used before the procedure begins which will help relax you and reduce anxiety so that when it comes time for treatment there won`t be any worries of discomfort or pain

Sedation dentistry falls under two categories: deep conscious sedation where anesthesia is given intravenously in order to make patients sleepy but still able to respond if they need too; and general anesthesia where surgery needs more precision because people are unconscious during this type of sedative administration

The effects from these types of procedures last about four hours after the patient is finished being treated with either one, though some may

Medications are available for anxiety, but would require talking with a physician before taking any medications. This is because many people may have different reactions to certain drugs and they will usually know which medication works best with the patient`s body chemistry as well as what side effects might result from use

If fear of going to the dentist has become so intense that it interferes with daily activities or work then looking into therapy could be worth exploring

Therapy sessions might be better than just taking prescription medication since there can be long term consequences such as drug addiction when using them without having someone help you understand your thoughts and feelings about why this fear exists in the first place.

Hypnotherapy is another avenue that many patients have used to overcome dental anxiety. Hypnotherapy aims to ease the automatic responses triggered by stimulous like the anxious thoughts of dental drills. With a few sessions, you may notice a marked reduction in anxiety which can last a lifetime. 

– Contributed by 

Bobby Jivnani Dental